Islam is the fastest growing religion in the U.S. (U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, Oct. 8, 1990). It is growing at a rate of 400% per year in the USA.
Half of all the Muslims in the U.S. are African Americans.
Islam has mosques in every major city in Europe and is the second largest religion in the world with 1.1 billion followers.
Islam has been a dominant force in Asia and Africa for hundreds of years. It is spreading mostly through marriage and breeding in these countries.
Countries with a high population of Muslims (Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc.) have a reputation for persecuting Christians.
Christian nations in the West tolerate Islam, but Islamic countries are unwilling to tolerate Christianity.
Islam is a theocracy, which means that Moslem laws govern both religion and civil state: both personal and public laws
"There is no way that Islam can reform itself and remain Islam, no way it can ever be made compatible with pluralism, free speech, critical thought and democracy. Anyone convinced they already possess the truth have no need for such things. Although Muslims resident in non-Muslim countries clamour for every kind of indulgence for their own beliefs and customs, there can be no doubt that given any kind of power they would impose their own beliefs and eliminate all difference."
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