Muhammad's Allah religion was a counterfeit reaction to Christianity. As Christianity was sweeping across distant lands and was becoming dominate, Satan took elements from the Torah and from Christianity, and he corrupted them. As a younger generation of Muslims, most likely being born into Islam and having little choice, earn college degrees, they see Islam as a violent and backward seventh-century religion. Many of their ancestors were forced into Islam at the point of a sword. Islam is both a culture and a religion, as it tries to deify seventh-century Arabia. Freedoms that U.S. citizens take for granted (speech, religion, press, etc.), are not tolerated by ruling Islamic governance.
Islam tolerates no other religions. Muslims are to regard only Islam as acceptable Reflecting Muhammad's murderous life, Islam is a violent religion. Muslims are to kill all who reject Muhammad and the Qur'an Muslims are to fight until all other religions are destroyed Islam teaches that all who reject the Qur'an will be regulated to hell As people become better educated, and as they long for a God of love, they become ashamed of the invented religion of a lust driven Arab highwayman who attacked camel caravans, murdered innocent merchants and thieved their property after getting revelations from Allah. Of the ninety-nine names Islam has for Allah, not even one of them is "love." The true nature of Islam is often reflected in the loveless eyes of Muslims.
Muhammad's Allah religion was a counterfeit reaction to Christianity. As Christianity was sweeping across distant lands and was becoming dominate, Satan took elements from the Torah and from Christianity, and he corrupted them. As a younger generation of Muslims, most likely being born into Islam and having little choice, earn college degrees, they see Islam as a violent and backward seventh-century religion. Many of their ancestors were forced into Islam at the point of a sword. Islam is both a culture and a religion, as it tries to deify seventh-century Arabia. Freedoms that U.S. citizens take for granted (speech, religion, press, etc.), are not tolerated by ruling Islamic governance.
Islam tolerates no other religions. Muslims are to regard only Islam as acceptable Reflecting Muhammad's murderous life, Islam is a violent religion. Muslims are to kill all who reject Muhammad and the Qur'an Muslims are to fight until all other religions are destroyed Islam teaches that all who reject the Qur'an will be regulated to hell As people become better educated, and as they long for a God of love, they become ashamed of the invented religion of a lust driven Arab highwayman who attacked camel caravans, murdered innocent merchants and thieved their property after getting revelations from Allah. Of the ninety-nine names Islam has for Allah, not even one of them is "love." The true nature of Islam is often reflected in the loveless eyes of Muslims.
Islam tolerates no other religions. Muslims are to regard only Islam as acceptable Reflecting Muhammad's murderous life, Islam is a violent religion. Muslims are to kill all who reject Muhammad and the Qur'an Muslims are to fight until all other religions are destroyed Islam teaches that all who reject the Qur'an will be regulated to hell As people become better educated, and as they long for a God of love, they become ashamed of the invented religion of a lust driven Arab highwayman who attacked camel caravans, murdered innocent merchants and thieved their property after getting revelations from Allah. Of the ninety-nine names Islam has for Allah, not even one of them is "love." The true nature of Islam is often reflected in the loveless eyes of Muslims.
Muhammad's Allah religion was a counterfeit reaction to Christianity. As Christianity was sweeping across distant lands and was becoming dominate, Satan took elements from the Torah and from Christianity, and he corrupted them. As a younger generation of Muslims, most likely being born into Islam and having little choice, earn college degrees, they see Islam as a violent and backward seventh-century religion. Many of their ancestors were forced into Islam at the point of a sword. Islam is both a culture and a religion, as it tries to deify seventh-century Arabia. Freedoms that U.S. citizens take for granted (speech, religion, press, etc.), are not tolerated by ruling Islamic governance.
Islam tolerates no other religions. Muslims are to regard only Islam as acceptable Reflecting Muhammad's murderous life, Islam is a violent religion. Muslims are to kill all who reject Muhammad and the Qur'an Muslims are to fight until all other religions are destroyed Islam teaches that all who reject the Qur'an will be regulated to hell As people become better educated, and as they long for a God of love, they become ashamed of the invented religion of a lust driven Arab highwayman who attacked camel caravans, murdered innocent merchants and thieved their property after getting revelations from Allah. Of the ninety-nine names Islam has for Allah, not even one of them is "love." The true nature of Islam is often reflected in the loveless eyes of Muslims.
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